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Why Join Tutorfox

The Tutorfox platform is completely free for tutors plus you set your own rates

Get notified of all tutoring jobs that match with you

Have full control over which tutoring jobs you put yourself forward for

Utilise our features including messaging, lesson booking, auto payments and invoicing

"I joined Tutorfox in August to work alongside my busy teaching schedule. I found the website user friendly and joining procedures smooth. Tutoring has reignited my passion for teaching and enables me to really see the benefit of targeted learning. I have been able to unpick common misconceptions that might have been missed in the classroom and enjoy seeing the difference over a period of time. The platform helps match tutors to the right students for them."

Matt, Tutorfox primary tutor

Our Approvals Process

Complete your profile. Here you can upload your DBS and relevant qualification certificates

Complete your ID and right to work check via TrustID 

2 references

Online interview